July 29, 2020
Virtual activities for kids!
Inspire musical exploration and creativity with these virtual activities for kids! We're here to equip our parents and teachers with interactive videos, games, and resources to help keep your students learning and engaged. Whether you're a teacher looking for virtual classroom activities or assistance with remote learning, or you're a parent seeking ideas for a Zoom play date, or ways to inspire creativity in your household, we have just what you need to keep your children focused and entertained!
1. Download our Family Opera Activity Book
Filled with educational music activities and games for young people to test their opera knowledge, this downloadable Family Opera Activity Book was created as a perfect stepping stone for the budding opera enthusiast.
2. Build a dragon mask
Join teaching artist Miss Heather in building an opera-inspired dragon mask.
What you need:
One long cardboard box
One small cardboard box
Extra cardboard
Mat or cardboard to cut on
A ruler
A pencil
Scissors or a box cutter
Masking tape
Paper plate or extra cardboard to mix paint
Glue or glue gun
"Opera Mask Making" with Miss Heather
3. Coloring Pages
For the younger members of the family, coloring pages are a great way to stimulate creativity. (Adults might love these too!)
4. One-sentence operas with Miss Megan
Anybody can create a “one-sentence opera” when led by teaching artist extraordinaire Miss Megan.
What you need:
3 plastics cups
Pen or pencil
"One-sentence operas" with Miss Megan!
5. Learning Resources
Developed by Lyric’s Learning and Creative Engagement team, the Learning Resources portal is the perfect supplementary guide to watching opera streams with your children, and to assist you with remote learning. From plot summaries to musical highlights, Learning Resources make opera enjoyable at any age. Check out our weekly opera streaming guide for an opera that might be the right fit for you and your family as you explore the Learning Resources portal.
6. Downloadable Games
Invigorate imagination in young minds with these downloadable games. Featuring word searches, mad-libs, word jumbles, and Bingo, Lyric’s downloadable games immerse young people in creative problem-solving and story building.
7. Phantom of the Opera House: a Zoom game for virtual play dates!
(Needs three or more players, ideal for ages eight and older)
Unable to have friends over to your home? Here's a game your kids can play with their buddies using a video conferencing platform such as Zoom!
To play "Phantom of the Opera House," you must first choose someone to be the phantom. This person will be in charge of calling out actions for each person to follow within their camera screens.
Here are the actions for the phantom to choose from:
- If the phantom says “Intermission” you must leave the camera frame
- If the phantom says “Act One” you must enter the camera frame
- If the phantom says “bravi” you might take a bow
- If the phantom says “soprano” you must sing very high in your best opera voice
- If the phantom says “bass” you must sing very low in your best opera voice
- If the phantom says “orchestra” you must pretend to play your favorite instrument
- If the phantom says “oh, what a tragedy!” you must pretend to cry as dramatically as you can
- If the phantom says “let’s have a laugh, shall we?” you must pretend to laugh as expressively as you can
- If the phantom says “Phantom of the Opera House” you must stand as still as you possibly can. Don’t let the phantom catch you moving!
For older children, you can make this more difficult by having a winner. The last person to follow an action or first person to move when the phantom says “Phantom of the Opera House” is eliminated. The last person to remain wins, and becomes the phantom the next time you play.